Rice Pudding with Sweet Red Beans

Product Used: Señor Rico® Rice Pudding

005504 Senor Rico Rice Pudding 8oz 2

This Asian fusion dessert is a treat worth trying: Señor Rico® Rice Pudding topped with sweet red beans and rice cake. The nuttiness and unique texture of the sweetened red beans and the soft chewiness of the mochi brings out the creaminess of the rice pudding.


  • Señor Rico® Rice Pudding
  • sweet red beans (boiled)
  • mochi pieces (sweet rice cake)


  1. Top Señor Rico® Rice Pudding with sweet red beans and mochi.

Note: You can find canned sweet red beans in an Asian market, or you can boil your own. Mochi can also be purchased from an Asian market. Here’s how to make your own sweet red beans and mochi.