Gelatin Cup Ornaments

Product Used: Señor Rico® Gel Snacks

Fun craft for kids! Recycle empty gelatin cups to make ornaments for the Christmas tree.


  • Empty Señor Rico® Gel Snacks
  • Decorating supplies: glitter, stickers, paint pens, colored permanent markers, spray paint, craft glue
  • Cutouts or small figurines and paper for snow globes
  • Small jingle bells
  • Ribbon or string for hangers


  1. Clean and dry empty plastic gelatin cups. Decorate with glitter, stickers, paint pens, etc. Get as creative as you want!
  2. To make snow globe ornaments: Trace a circle around the wide gelatin cup lid on paper and cut out. Print out or draw what you want inside of the ornament and cut them out, or use miniature figurines. Poke a hole through the bottom of the cup big enough to thread a ribbon through. Knot ribbon into a loop for a hanger and thread through hole with knot on the inside of cup. Turn the cup upside down and fill with approximately a tablespoon of fake snow or white glitter. Glue figures onto the paper circle bottom to make them stand up and then glue paper circle to the bottom (the wide lid) of the cup. Decorate the outside of the cup with glitter.
  3. To make bell ornaments: Pierce a hole large enough to thread the ribbon through the bottom of the cup. Knot ribbon into a loop for a hanger and thread through hole with knot on the inside of cup. Leave enough ribbon at the bottom to tie a bell onto the ribbon so that it hangs slightly below the rim of the cup. Secure the loop with glue around the top of the hole and cover with glitter if using. Get creative and decorate the outside of cup with stickers, glitter, paint pens, permanent markers etc.